Essential tips for creating irresistible e-mail titles

MailUp specialists share with us six secrets so that an e-mail marketing campaign takes off well

Nowadays people have the saturated e-mail inbox, so when they review it to see what is interesting, you have to do everything you can to highlight and capture the attention of your reader. Fortunately, there are many tactics you can use to ensure that the titles of your e-mail are irresistible.

Today we are going to explore six secrets to write e-mail titles that your readers cannot avoid clicking. This is all you need to know so that each of your campaigns takes off with good footing.

# 1 - The simpler the better!
Today, the simple and clean use of space is perhaps one of the best marketing features. No one likes to try to decipher something without order and overwhelming. What they want is clean and easy to consume content.
The same logic applies to the titles of your e-mail. Time is essential when it comes to subject lines, and most people will make a decision about whether or not to open your e-mail in one or two seconds. This means that if your subject line takes more than a second, you have already lost a lot of potential readers.
Each e-mail must have a specific purpose and, above all, a reason that justifies its sending. In no case should an e-mail be sent just for sending it, even if you have not been sending any time. The reason for this is that your readers could stop reading your e-mail without purpose, and most likely they end up unsubscribing from your lists or ignoring your content thereafter. So, once you have in mind the purpose of your e-mail, rely on it to define a specific and precise subject line, directly related to the message.

# 2 - Ask questions
One of the best ways to get your e-mail open is to ask a question that makes you think, so that your readers cannot avoid clicking to know the answer. Even such simple things as "Do you have what it takes to earn millions?" Can lead to lots of questions in the reader's head, which he will begin to want to know if he can, and how he can do it. This would be a good example if you run a company or website for entrepreneurs or with a commercial theme.
To see what works best for you, it is a good idea to write some different versions and do A / B tests to see which one works best.

# 3 - Continue with the previous text
If focusing on the subject lines is important, considering your reader's full experience while reviewing your e-mail is vital. This means that you not only have to prepare your subject line, but also the small text that is seen later.
Of course, the more personalized the e-mail is, the more likely it is that they will identify with it and open it, especially when that personalized subject line is integrated and combined with a personalized line of previous text.

# 4 - Write without errors and with the highest quality
Let's say a reader reviews your inbox and finds your subject line, but sees that it is full of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes or mistakes ... do you think you will click to read the rest of your email? Would you read it?
Writing your titles with the highest possible quality is the best way to capture the attention of your readers and give them the confidence and knowledge that the content of the e-mail has the quality they seek.

# 5 - Add a little mystery
Since what you want is for your e-mail to open, you are not interested in leaving everything said in the subject line. This means that when reading your subject line, your reader should not think that he already knows exactly what you are going to say, because that will mean he has no reason to waste time with your e-mail.
Adding a little mystery can be a great way to arouse the reader's intrigue and dramatically increase the chances of opening your e-mail. In the examples we've put before, you could write titles like:

Scenes of risk beyond possible!
Have you been to the best beach in the world?
These tips to improve productivity are not an everyday thing ...
Is this the trick to go viral that you needed?

When it comes to writing e-mail messages, make sure you use the time needed to write several versions and to test and see which ones offer the best results. Also consider the maximum number of characters allowed in the subject lines (usually around 50 characters). One thing that is also very important is to use capital letters sparingly.

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