Extends to travel agents of Argentina the authorization to attend by electronic channels

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports resolved to extend this measure until July 31 in order to avoid physical contact and the spread of COVID-19

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports resolved to extend, until July 31, inclusive, the power of travel agencies to serve the public exclusively through electronic channels, in order to avoid physical contact and the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, there will be a period until August 31 for travel agencies that want to share their functional structures to present their applications in a single location (up to two per location).

In the recitals of resolution 235/2020, published today in the Official Gazette, the Ministry stated that it is “essential and unavoidable to continue contributing to the strategy of the National Executive Power aimed at protecting the population from the onslaught of the virus, in order to limit the number of cases and contain their spread”.

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