Boeing publishes the first sustainability report

Manufacturer charts path to sustainable aerospace industry

Boeing released its first Sustainability Report today. The company shares its vision for the future of the sustainable aerospace industry, sets broad sustainability goals, and highlights environmental, social and governance (ESG) progress in alignment with global sustainability standards.

"In September 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, Boeing formed a sustainability organization dedicated to advancing our ESG efforts company-wide. As we continue on this journey, we are pleased to publish our first comprehensive report, focusing on the Stakeholder responsiveness and data transparency, "said Boeing Chief Sustainability Officer Chris Raymond. "We know there is still work to be done and we are committed to communicating our progress and holding ourselves accountable to ensuring that the aerospace industry is safe and sustainable for generations to come."

Boeing's sustainability efforts are organized around four key pillars: people, products and services, operations, and communities. In 2020, the highlights of these four pillars included:

  • Establish six broad new sustainability goals in line with our key sustainability priorities and stakeholder interests.
  • Define the company's vision for the future of the sustainable aerospace industry through fleet renewal, network operational efficiency, renewable energy and advanced technology.
  • Commit to delivering commercial aircraft capable of flying on 100% sustainable fuels by 2030.
  • Partnership with Etihad Airways in the 2020 ecoDemonstrator program, which tested sustainable technologies on one of the airline's new 787-10 Dreamliners.
  • Implement digital engineering tools in the T-7A Red Hawk program, achieving a 75% increase in engineering quality for the first time and an 80% reduction in assembly hours.
  • Advanced flight tests for Cora, a fully electric and autonomous air taxi developed by Wisk, the joint venture of Boeing and Kitty Hawk.
  • Respond to COVID-19 by executing airlift missions to transport supplies, provide community vaccination sites, and minimize the health risks of air travel through the Confident Travel Initiative.
  • Establish a 20-member Racial Equity Task Force to represent diverse points of view and amplify all voices at Boeing.
  • Set 2030 environmental performance targets to reduce emissions, waste, water use, and energy consumption
  • Achieve net zero carbon emissions at work sites, while reducing energy consumption by 12%, water use by 23%, solid waste by 44% and hazardous waste by 34%.
  • Earned the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award for sustained excellence every year since 2010.
  • Contributing $ 234 million in community donations, working with 13,400 community partners, and volunteering 250,000 hours.

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