Carnival returns to Brazil

The preference of Argentines to visit beach and nature destinations is confirmed, and take advantage of celebrations such as Carnival, a national holiday that returns with its joy, color and without sanitary restrictions for the first time since 2020

(Source: EMBRATUR)

The Brazilians begin to throb the carnival from the first minutes of January 1: what for millions of people in the world is the beginning of a new year, in Brazil it is rather the countdown to the liveliest party on its calendar. Unlike what happens in other countries around the world, Carnival is a national celebration. Some of the busiest, below:

Rio de Janeiro
The most glamorous carnival in the country takes place in Rio de Janeiro, where the scene has already begun thanks to the parties, comparsas and rehearsals of the samba schools, which take place from January. With 12 schools of the Special Group in competition, the carnival of the sambadrome is a show broadcast on a global scale, but it can be witnessed in person, either as an audience or as a participant of one of the schools in competition. The parades are competitive, and the schools are evaluated by the performance of their main dancers (mestre sala and portabandeira), evolution of the parade, costumes, rhythm and magnificence; To prepare such a production, the groups summon the main artists, choreographers, stage designers and costume designers of the country. Side B of the carioca carnival is the one that is celebrated in the streets, grouped in blocos (comparsas) where a sound car -in some cases with very renowned musicians and singers- leads the gathering of crowds that dance, sing and show off their costumes. The blocos (there are more than 400 throughout the city) have a schedule set by the municipal authorities, and there are from 300 people to tens of thousands, in different parts of the capital; some are special for children, others for university students, others for LGBT+, but in general peaceful and fun: yes, they are all dressed up. The gatherings of comparsas start at 7 in the morning (the schedules are usually published on networks and the media), a good time to enjoy with the family and with less heat, but others start later and last until early at night .

Saint Paul
The party has already begun -with dozens of blocks on weekends- as the carnival court (King Momo, the carnival queen and the princesses) have been crowned since January -as also happens in Rio_ and the atmosphere is already preparing for the The largest city in South America makes way for the more than 800 comparsas that gather throughout the city, which by law are registered and authorized by the prefeitura (municipal government). Other than that, there is the luxury parade at the Anhembí sambadrome, with 14 schools competing for the top prize, and a display that has little to envy to the parade in Rio. Although it does not have the impressive urban beaches of Rio, the concrete jungle de São Paulo offers a multitude of carnival options for all tastes (and for those seeking sun and sand, the beautiful São Paulo coastline is only a few hours away by car).

One of the most important cities of Brazilian ethnotourism, Salvador has a remarkable culture and gastronomy, shaped in large part by its rich African heritage. The capital of Bahia celebrates one of the most popular carnivals in Brazil; Front-line pop stars are usually part of the menu of shows on the circuit of a party that has components of cultural syncretism that are more than attractive and original. The Pelourinho Historic District is the epicenter of rehearsals and pre-carnival shows since the end of January. Hundreds of thousands of people join the music of the electric trios that parade through the Barra-Ondina and Campo Grande-Avenida Sete circuits, the historic center and neighborhood where musicians perform - on sound trucks called "electric trios" and popular singers. The "afoxé" parade

Recife and Olinda
It is, without a doubt, the liveliest carnival in the Northeast. Neither samba nor candomblé: frevo is the rhythm that commands, animated by trumpets and trombones. The Recife-Olinda circuit (colonial city seven kilometers from the capital in the center of Recife) constitutes one of the most plural and intense parties in Brazil. Although the festivities are already celebrated in various parts of both cities, during the weekends the scene formally begins on the night of the first Saturday of carnival with the parade of the Midnight Man, a giant doll that goes out for a walk on the shoulders of the crowd. by the slopes of Olinda (the parade of giant dolls is one of the most picturesque and notable details of the Pernambuco carnival, different from everything that can be seen in the rest of the country). Joy and dancing continue in the historic city during the mornings and afternoons, with parades of blocos and live music. At night, the party overflows at Praça do Marco Zero in Recife, where the great shows with nationally renowned artists take place. One of the highlights is the parade of the "Galo da Madrugada" megacomparsa, which brings together dancing crowds on the first Saturday of Carnival, in the morning, in the center of the city.


Of the 3.1 million foreigners who visited Brazil between January and November 2022, Argentina was in first place with more than 383,000 tourists, followed by the United States (373,382) and Paraguay (256,598). To access Brazil by plane, this summer there are flights available from six Argentine cities, in addition to the usual border crossings for those traveling by land.

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