Cerro Largo presented the annual calendar of equestrian activities

The objective of the departmental government is to benefit all institutions and localities to strengthen tourism


The event was attended by the Interim Minister of Tourism, Remo Monezeglio; the Director General of the MINTUR Secretariat, Ignacio Curbelo; the Mayor of Cerro Largo, José Yurramendi; the Director of Tourism of the Municipality of Cerro Largo, Jacqueline Hernández, the Director of Promotion and Development of the Municipality of Cerro Largo, Wilson Da Rosa, as well as representatives of the different municipalities of the department.

Mayor Yurramendi highlighted the joint work that MINTUR has been doing with the Arachán commune as a whole and thanked them for "allowing us to place something that we have to begin to value in a different way at the national level", highlighting the role of the organization that values ​​it as a great tourist product, generating a lot of dynamics, movement, participation of internal tourism with the ambition of carrying it out to external tourism. Regarding the calendar, the hierarch expressed the intention that it be displayed in a more generalized world, "more than thirty weekends with equestrian activity and the idea is to hold a party in Melo at the end of the year, to celebrate the end of the calendar and to throw a party in the horse world that brings us all together”. The departmental head maintained that “this activity generates tourism and the possibility that many people work in the environment of the equestrian activity. It is a great product to exploit, visualize and we are proud in our department to have a great, diverse activity, which through the agreement we have with the Ministry of Tourism with the Equinox Project, we have been able to generate an institutional framework that will be reinforced”. Finally, he highlighted the task carried out by the department, since it is the one that "gives the most activity to the world of horses, be it tourism, economic, social, generating social equality." that through the agreement we have with the Ministry of Tourism with the Equinox Project we have been able to generate an institutionality that will be strengthened”. Finally, he highlighted the task carried out by the department, since it is the one that "gives the most activity to the world of horses, be it tourism, economic, social, generating social equality." that through the agreement we have with the Ministry of Tourism with the Equinox Project we have been able to generate an institutionality that will be strengthened”. Finally, he highlighted the task carried out by the department, since it is the one that "gives the most activity to the world of horses, be it tourism, economic, social, generating social equality."

For his part, Minister (I) Monzeglio pointed out that "we increasingly have to somehow get to know the realities of the countryside, the gaucho and Creole traditions", inviting them to enjoy them. “One inside sees the true essence of what the Uruguayan is, that Oriental who knew how to forge what our nationality and traditions are. These festivities cannot lose prominence," said the chief with the aim of committing to this type of activity. Regarding the calendar, Monzeglio commented that "it is an example of organization of a mayor's office", with the intention of extending it to more departments, so that tourists and the general public can learn about the different traditional festivals that exist throughout the territory. national.


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