CATA runs a campaign to promote the benefits of using the Central America brand

The agency seeks to promote the region's tourism offer in international markets


The Central American Tourism Promotion Agency (CATA) commemorates the creation of the Central America brand with the launch of a campaign to promote the prestige and benefits of using the only multi-destination brand in the Americas, in charge of promote the region's tourism offer in international markets.

This promotional effort is aimed at the different sectors that make up the value chain of the tourism industry in the region, such as tour operators, transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, among others. Likewise, it plans to join efforts with regional institutions linked to Central American integration. 

The wide tourist offer in Central America and the Dominican Republic is nourished by the work carried out day by day by the different areas that operate to provide quality services to tourists who visit each country in the region, so this promotional action is added to the efforts made in the last two years by CATA to accompany and support the business tourism sector of the isthmus. 

The brand is inspired by the ancestral essence of the region. Its typography and isotype is based on the logo-syllabic system made up of signs and symbols, used by the pre-Hispanic cultures of the region. Its colors represent the human warmth of its people, the sun, the oceans, and the biodiversity. 

This effort is carried out within the framework of the work agenda promoted by the Pro Tempore Presidency of the CATA Board of Directors, exercised by Belize, with the support of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through the project "Strengthening of the Integration and Promotion of Tourism Central American”.

Created in 2002 and renewed in 2017, it is the only community brand within the framework of the Central American Integration System, registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the market where CATA focuses its efforts to promote the regional tourism offer.

The Central America Brand is the product of the unified will and spirit of the countries of the region, who make up the Central American Tourism Council (CCT) and, from the CATA Board of Directors, promote actions to stimulate the promotion and marketing of regional tourism with a focus on innovation, digitization and sustainability.

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