Wine Roads: development, infrastructure and product promotion

The beginning of this attraction was born with the aim of consolidating the wine tourism offer in the region

(Source: Gobierno de Río Negro)

With the articulation of the Ministries of Tourism and Sports together with Production and Agroindustry, which is made tangible with the installation of road signs to signal the tourist wineries that make up this new proposal, the development of wine tourism in Rio Negro, Argentina is encouraged.

In 2022, working groups were articulated with producers from the province in Villa Regina and later the Regional Wine Tourism Meeting was held, which took place in General Roca, coordinated under the National Plan "Argentina Tierra de Vinos". Since then, the need to order all the existing offer that linked wine production with tourism activity was detected and for this reason, the Provincial Registry of Tourist Wineries was created, a list that currently has 10 establishments open to visitors and with tourist benefits.

This registry, in addition to nucleating all wineries with a tourist profile, is a tool that promotes lines of development, promotion and financing, as well as seeking the possibility of marketing an integrated tourism product to travel agencies. It is open to establishments with a tourist profile that want to join this product.

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