The International Airport Council of Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) is pleased to inform you that BH Airport, the international terminal of Minas Gerais, has just received the ACI World's Airport Customer Experience certification. The certification is part of ASQ – Airport Service Quality, an ACI program recognized worldwide for providing member airports with tools to measure and improve passenger satisfaction, business performance and the quality of airport services.
“It is natural that a market of the importance of Brazil is committed to seeking the best practices to guarantee passengers an increasingly simple and safe trip. And it is a pleasure for ACI-LAC to announce that our member BH Airport is already advancing in the ASQ program and is the first in the country to receive the ACI World's Airport Customer Experience certification”, commented Rafael Echevarne, general director of ACI-LAC. .
BH Airport has been under a concession for 8 years formed by the CCR Group, Zurich Airport and Infraero. In this period, it received investments in infrastructure and in the modernization of its facilities of more than R$ 1 billion, expanding its operating capacity to 32 million passengers per year. The airport already has the ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) certifications, granted to member terminals that adopted the health protocols proposed by the guidelines for the resumption and recovery of aeronautical businesses in times of the Covid-19 pandemic; and Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA), the only global carbon management certification program approved for airports. BH Airport is currently certified at level 2 (“Reduction”) of the 6 levels of the program, that is,
Daniel Miranda, interim CEO and Administrative-Financial Director of BH Airport, values the achievement. “We are dedicated daily to offering the best airport experience to our customers. This tour at our airport begins at the entrance to the parking lot, going through the service of our mix of stores until access to the departure lounge and boarding of the aircraft. By receiving this certification, we are sure that we are on the right path in the search for the best practices in the market so that people have comfort, peace of mind and security when passing through our terminal”, emphasizes Daniel Miranda.
ASQ - Airport Service Quality y ACI World's Airport Customer Experience
The ASQ – Airport Service Quality program makes available to participating airports the experience of surveys carried out on passengers (boarding and disembarking), employees and retailers in order to find solutions to improve the traveler experience, improve the service offer and increase non-aeronautical income.
The ACI World Airport Customer Experience certification is structured around eight domains: understanding the customer; strategy; measurement; operational improvement; governance; airport culture; service design/innovation; and collaboration of the airport community.
Currently, the ASQ program has the participation of 378 airports on five continents, of which 81 are certified with the World's Airport Customer Experience. In the Latin American and Caribbean region, 39 airports adhered to the ASQ and 13 were certified.
“The adhesion of the Belo Horizonte International Airport to ASQ and its certification point to the dedication of the terminal to guarantee the best airport experience for passengers. Ultimately, the travelers and citizens of Belo Horizonte will benefit from having a customer-focused, world-class airport. We are convinced that the success of an airport must also be customer-focused and the communities it serves. And this the ASQ program can help to achieve it. We welcome Belo Horizonte International Airport and hope it will be the first of many airports to join the program in Brazil”, concludes Luis Felipe de Oliveira, General Director of ACI World.