Valparaíso, Metropolitana and La Araucanía would be the most visited regions in winter holidays 2023

Viña del Mar and the central coast in the Valparaíso Region, the historic center and the attractions of the Metropolitan Region and the lake area in the Araucanía Region will be some of the favorite places for Chileans to visit during the winter holidays

(Source: Subsecretaría de Turismo)

According to the Studies and Territories Unit of the Undersecretary of Tourism, it is estimated that between 2.6 and 3 million total trips with overnight stays will be made between July 3 and 14 throughout the country , up +15.4% more compared to the same period in 2019, before the covid-19 pandemic. On this occasion, the impact of the frontal system that was recorded in the south-central area, which caused heavy rains, river overflows, floods, and roadblocks, was incorporated into the analysis.

“We are optimistic and believe that this year we will reach three million trips throughout the country, despite the emergency that took place a few days ago in six regions, since the recovery of connectivity and infrastructure of tourist services is advancing. We call on those who had scheduled a trip to the affected areas or their surroundings to contact the services and ask if they are available, since many are already ready to receive visitors," said the undersecretary of Tourism, Verónica Pardo Lagos.

The three main receiving regions correspond to Valparaíso (between 561,382 and 653,193 trips received), Metropolitana (between 467,117 and 543,511 trips) and La Araucanía (between 248,415 and 289,041 trips).

"The national director of Sernatur, Cristóbal Benítez, indicated that "in these winter holidays, we bet that Chilean men and women stay in the country and discover their own regions or other nearby ones. For that, we have prepared special information from the national destinations because there is Chile for everyone.In our site, there are activities for each type of tourist: for nature lovers, couples, families, people with disabilities and all those who want to enjoy the must-sees from north to south”, he concluded.

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