Winter Season 2023: great tourist movement throughout Argentina

According to the first surveys of the Argentine Tourism Observatory (OAT), there is a large tourist movement throughout the country

(Source: AXON Latam)

Salta, Santiago del Estero, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Mendoza, the City of Buenos Aires, Tandil, San Carlos de Bariloche, San Martín de los Andes and Ushuaia are the most chosen destinations so far.

In addition, there is a massive arrival of tourists from Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and the United States, who show a preference for the snow product.

According to the first projections, the arrival of 5.5 million national tourists is estimated during this season and 1.5 million tourists from abroad in the winter months.

Winter 2023 | Reservation levels in destinations
Data from the Argentine Tourism Observatory (OAT)

90% of provincial average

-San Miguel de Tucumán: 65%
-Tafí del Valle: 84%
-San Javier: 70%
-Yerba Buena: 78%
-Amaicha del Valle: 100%

Santiago del Estero
-City of Santiago del Estero: 95%
-Termas de Río Hondo: 93%

-San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca: 88%
-Fray Mamerto Esquiú: 85%
-Tinogasta: 100%
-Fiambalá: 80%
-El Alto: 100%
-Antofagasta de la Sierra: 90%
-Andalgalá: 97%
-Belén: 68%
-Huillapima: 80%
-Paclin: 80%

La Rioja
-City of La Rioja: 80%
-Villa Union: 91%
-Chilecito: 70%

80% provincial average
-Puerto Iguazú: 90%
-Posadas: 75%
-El Soberbio: 70%
-San Ignacio: 60%

(9% more than in 2022)
-Alto Paraná Corridor: 85%
-City of Corrientes: 60%

Santa Fe
-Melincué: 90%
-City of Santa Fe: 80%
-Reconquista: 65%
-Villa Constitución: 95%
-Santa Rosa de Calchines: 65%

Buenos Aires
-Tandil: 86%
-Mar del Plata: 60%
-Villa Gesell: 47% (14% more than in 2022)
-Cariló: 45%
-Mar de las Pampas: 53%
-La Costa Party: 45%
- Carhué: 73%

City of Buenos Aires: 75% (500 thousand people, 20% more than in 2022)

-Villa Carlos Paz: 70%
-Villa General Belgrano: 75%
-La Cumbrecita: 85%

San Luis
-Merlo: 75%
-Comechingones Coast: 80%

San Juan
80% provincial average
-Greater San Juan: 72%
-Calingasta: 93%
-Church: 77%
-Jáchal: 77%
-Valle Fértil: 93%

85% provincial average
-Gran Mendoza: 85%

La Pampa
-Realicó: 65%
-Bernardo Larroudé Hot Springs: 50%
-Victorica: 40%
-Algarrobo de Águila: 50%
-General Acha: 60%

-San Martín de los Andes: 80%
-Villa La Angostura: 75%
-Caviahue: 90%

Río Negro
-San Carlos de Bariloche: 95%

-Esquel: 65% (5% more than in 2022)
-Puerto Madryn: 60%

Santa Cruz
-El Calafate: 80% (record for this time of year)

Tierra del Fuego, AIAS
-Ushuaia: 80%


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