Peru will host the 70th meeting of the World Tourism Organization

In 2025, the Latin American country will host the important event that brings together great representatives of the industry from around the world

(Source: PROMPERÚ)

Peru has been chosen to host the 70th Meeting of the Regional Commission of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the Americas, which will take place in 2025. It is an important international event that brings together the governments of the region with the objective to debate and present proposals that contribute to the formulation of tourism policies and strategies in terms of planning, marketing, development of human resources and products. 

“The selection of Peru as the venue for the subsequent meeting of the CAM represents an important showcase to position the country, its people, its resources and its potential, as a suitable destination for large events. In addition, it allows us to strengthen ourselves in the spaces of international cooperation in tourism”, said Madeleine Burns, Vice Minister of Tourism of Peru. 

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