Chile launches the "Santiago 2023 Tourist Seal" to reinforce its international promotion

The sector joins the most important multi-sports festival organized by the country, which is expected to attract up to 100,000 national and foreign tourists

(Source: Sernatur)

Chile will host the Santiago 2023 Pan American and Parapan American Games, the largest multi-sport event the country has organized in its history, and national tourism is preparing with everything to receive the nearly 100,000 national and foreign tourists who will become part of this festival that will take place between October 20 and November 26.

That is why this morning, at the Vergara dock in Viña del Mar, next to El Sol beach, sub-venue of the triathlon competition, the Ministry of Sports, the Undersecretary of Tourism, Sernatur and the Santiago 2023 Corporation, announced the actions that the sector is leading to welcome those who come to the country for this sporting event.

These are three products that will frame the tourism theme in the Pan American and Parapan American Games: firstly, there is the Santiago 2023 Tourist Seal, a badge that providers can display in their restaurants, hotels, agencies and others, so that the visitors identify them as the official offer of the Games. There will also be a search engine for participating tourism services, which will be hosted on the website:; and the Santiago 2023 Tourist Guide, which contains everything tourists arriving in Chile need to know, such as general information about the country and recommendations on what to do in the Santiago 2023 host regions.

Regarding this, Jaime Pizarro, Minister of Sport, commented that “we are infinitely happy to be able to be in a region that will play a leading role in the Pan American and Parapan American Games. And we are very happy about this initiative and the reception it has had. The tourist seal has the virtue, as our motto indicates, of being a meeting point. A meeting point within the regions, between the different regions and a meeting point between sports, gastronomy, tourism. There is a lot of participation from the hotel and gastronomic world, which is very valuable. There will be many athletes, many companions of those athletes, many tourists and who may have information on where to attend, what places are available, where to try our typical dishes, I find it very useful”.

Tourism and sports are interrelated and complement each other. Sports –whether a professional activity, hobby or simple entertainment– involve a considerable amount of travel, both by competitors and by those who follow this type of event, which have become important tourist attractions in themselves, since contributing very positive way to the image of the host destination.

Verónica Pardo, Undersecretary of Tourism, explained that “the Santiago 2023 Tourist Seal will be an important showcase for tourism providers. All those who have their current registration with Sernatur may adhere to this seal and remain visible on the official site of the Games. That is why the call to those who do not have the registration up to date is to update it in order to take advantage of this opportunity. And the call to tourists is to use this search engine since the formal offer associated with accommodation, restaurants and others has been identified”.  

On the occasion, the authorities went to some commercial premises located in the vicinity of the Vergara Pier, to identify the first places that will have the Santiago 2023 Seal.

Impact on tourism
First of all, the Santiago 2023 Tourist Seal aims to relieve the formalized offer so that tourists prefer it. There is no cost for the providers to join, who can carry out the process on the Sernatur registration website,

Then there is the web browser enabled at There, tourists will be able to find the tourist services adhered to the Santiago 2023 Tourist Seal. Finally, there is the Santiago 2023 Tourist Guide, available in digital format (PDF) for direct download from the official website of the games and at www.subturismo.gob. cl and

"In the guide, you will find general information about the country, which is very relevant for tourists, such as transportation data, exchange currency, safety tips, as well as recommendations for tourist attractions throughout Chile, but in particular for the host regions of Santiago 2023. With these three products, we will make your visit a pleasant and unforgettable experience, so that you even take advantage of the opportunity to extend your stay”, pointed out the national director of Sernatur, Cristóbal Benítez.

Regarding the regional impact that this event will generate, the presidential delegate of Valparaíso, Sofía González, pointed out that "we are happy to continue firmly advancing towards the different coordination that we have to do to experience this national holiday, which, in addition, in the region will incorporate the participation of communes such as Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Algarrobo, Quilpué and Quillota, among others. There will be many communities that will benefit from the perspective of infrastructure improvement as has been proposed, but also, this economic reactivation through the Tourist Seal that also improves the conditions of those people who today can deliver standards of enjoyment for those who can help us. visit. They are more than 7 thousand,

The mayoress of Viña del Mar, Macarena Ripamonti, commented that “we are happy at the launch of the Tourist Seal that will accompany these wonderful processes that are based in Viña del Mar: the Santiago 2023 Pan American and Parapan American Games. This will mean a reactivation Very calculated economic, of magnitudes for our community, we have gigantic indicators regarding the delegations of the athletes and the event. Statistics tell us that, for this type of event, about 40% of the delegations and those who come later return to visit our country and the commune, which makes us very grateful for being the sub-headquarters for women's and men's soccer in our Sausalito stadium. , also triathlon and handball in our Sports Center”.

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