49% increase the intention of traveling for National Holidays versus 2022

According to data from COCHA, Chileans have purchased tickets and packages to change air on this festivity

(Source: Impronta Comunicaciones)

Within the framework of the Fiestas Patrias celebrations, Chileans have shown their enthusiasm for exploring various destinations, both national and international. This is revealed by the data collected by COCHA, a leader in the travel industry, through a detailed analysis of travel trends and the most relevant data for this eighteenth-century season.

Promising Figures

Despite the global situation, around 35,000 people are expected to leave the country or are quoting trips to enjoy the National Holidays in different corners of the world, based on data from COCHA buyers.

Favorite National Destinations

This year, the most popular national destinations among Chileans include Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Pucón, Chiloé and Iquique. The cultural and scenic richness of these locations, together with its great variety of typical panoramas to celebrate the event, continues to attract numerous travelers during the National Holidays.

Exploring the world

Internationally, the preferred destinations are Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Lima and Cancun, the latter for stays of 7 days or more. These cities have captivated the attention of Chilean travelers seeking unique experiences abroad.

Air price analysis

In relation to the prices of domestic air tickets, there has been a modest increase of 1.89%, while in international destinations such as Brazil, for example, the increase has been only 4%, compared to the same time in 2022.

Savings through advance
COCHA highlights the importance of planning trips in advance to obtain economic advantages and take advantage of "freezing" the value of the dollar. The data reveals that by purchasing tickets and packages well in advance, you can save significantly on travel costs. For domestic destinations, savings can range between 10% and 20%, while for international destinations in South America and the Caribbean, savings can reach between 15% and 35%, respectively.

“Compared to the National Holidays of the year 2022, COCHA has registered a notable increase of 48.86% in sales, demonstrating a growing interest of Chileans to travel during the holiday and explore new horizons. We are very proud to be a trusted ally for Chilean travelers and we are committed to continue offering attractive options and unforgettable experiences in every corner of the world,” said Daiana Mediña, COCHA Marketing Manager.

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