“Afrotourism is the central axis of Embratur,” says the President of the Agency

In a meeting at the Inter-American Development Bank in Brasilia, the president of the Agency confirmed that the priority in promoting these roadmaps "is a reflection of what the 21st century demands of us"

(Source: EMBRATUR)

Map experiences and destinations, qualify the service chain and promote Brazilian afrotourism inside and outside the country. These were the main objectives of a meeting that brought together, this Thursday (31st), representatives of Embratur, the Ministries of Tourism (MTur) and Racial Equality (MIR), the digital platform for the promotion of Afrotourism, of the Diaspora.Black and of the Inter. -American Development Bank (IDB) – the latter hosting the event, held in Brasilia.

The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, stated that afrotourism is a priority for the current management of the Agency. “Afrotourism is the central axis of Embratur's strategy to promote new products. It is a segment compatible with what the 21st century demands of us: to be anti-racist, value and respect the culture of black people. “We need to think about afrotourism in this subjective aspect, of recovering history and valuing culture, but also as a big business, which generates employment and income, and empowers black entrepreneurs,” he commented.

Embratur has invested in afrotourism as one of the flagships of the new management. At the beginning of the year, President Freixo created the coordination of Afrotourism, Diversity and Indigenous Peoples. At the meeting, the coordinator of this issue at the Agency, Tania Neres, stated that afrotourism is, indeed, an export product.

“Afrotourism is part of Embratur's campaigns. We are not just talking about visiting reference sites for black events, but also about experiences in quilombos, terreiros, samba schools, Afro blocks, music and arts festivals. We talk about the memories of our country, but also about what we are building in the present and what we project for the future. Today tourists from all over the world want to see these routes,” he stated.

Strengthening Afrotourism
At the meeting, participants reinforced the importance of Brazilian Afrotourism as a rescue of ancestry and diversity. “Valuing diversity is one of the ways to develop South America and the Caribbean. Afrotourism aims to value the culture and history of the Brazilian people and is also an important instrument in the fight against racism,” said Tania.

Antônio Pita, co-founder of Diaspora.Black, a black tourism and culture startup present in 45 countries, considers the meeting of great importance. “Today's event means a lot to afrotourism actors. “We are gathered to ensure that afrotourism thrives through its promotion, thereby moving the economy forward towards generating jobs and income.”

For the director of Interfederative Articulation of the Ministry of Racial Equality, Isadora Bispo, the debate at the meeting helps to strengthen and align policies to promote afrotourism among the federal entities.

“What we have to think about is whether afrotourism is aligned with what we have in Brazil and how we can improve these experiences. Tourism is a partner in the development of Black communities and entrepreneurs. “It is a form of historical reparation,” she pointed out.

At the end, representatives of Embratur, MTur, MIR, Diaspora.Black and IDB will prepare a document with proposals for strategic actions to promote afrotourism and how they can contribute to promoting these itineraries.

Source: Embratur


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