Mar del Plata: the city most chosen by Argentines

From January 1 to October 15, 2023, there were 7,380,588 visitors, which means 5.9% more than the same period in 2022 and the highest number since records have been kept

(Source: Turismo MGP)

Mar del Plata was once again the city most chosen by Argentines to enjoy a few days of rest during the month of October and the extra long weekend. Bernardo Martin, President of the Municipal Tourism and Culture Entity, pointed out that “this tourist flow shows that Mar del Plata continues to be the most chosen in the country and reflects the consolidation of a 12-month city. And we cannot fail to take into account the context that the country is experiencing with 138.3% inflation and a dollar of 1000 pesos. Despite that, during the weekend we received 160,403 tourists. And if we take the entire week, from Monday the 9th to Sunday the 15th, arrivals were 213,705 visitors. A significant fact is that from January 1 to today, 7,380,588 visitors chose our city.”

"All areas have performed very well: hotels, gastronomy and recreation. We have seen many families enjoying themselves in the city and we must take into account that - although it was an extra long weekend - the terrible inflation seriously hurts the possibilities to travel and, in addition, Mother's Day is undoubtedly a date that suffers the arrival of tourists," Martin stressed.

"At this time that the country is going through, we have to highlight the joint work between the public and private sectors throughout the year. We work by planning in advance and - despite all the economic vicissitudes that affect Argentina - this work allows us that the levels of arrivals and consumption are sustained. And that means more work for all the people of Mar del Plata, which is what matters most to the Mayor's management," he pointed out.

The city of Mar del Plata presented a unique offer in the country of shows, recreation, activities and events, such as La Noche del Turismo, with open museums, free tours and recitals; the Mar del Plata Book Fair Puerto de Lectura; recitals such as Abel Pintos, Roque Narvaja and Ismael Serrano; the Youth Festival; the Ibero-American Theater Festival; the 1st Gin Tonic Festival; and of course a wide variety of plays, children's shows, recitals and cultural events for the whole family.


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