Guanajuato, fulfilling as an ideal destination for lovers of Mexican culture and traditions, offers among its attractions archaeological sites that allow tourists to discover the pre-Hispanic Mexican history, as it was an important destination before the conquest, where pre-Hispanic vestiges account for cultures that inhabited these lands between 300 and 900 AD. Get to know and visit each of these enigmatic areas, which will surprise you with their incredible history.
El Coporo, Ocampo
This settlement is conformed by vestiges of an ancient Mesoamerican city since it was conformed by a series of villages on the western slopes of the Santa Barbara Mountain Range, it is distinguished by its architecture developed 1,500 years ago, composed of rooms for the common people and a civic ceremonial center, it is associated with the Tunal Grande Tradition (200 - 900 A.D.).
Cañada de la Virgen, San Miguel de Allende
Pre-Hispanic settlement of Otomí origin, the seat of a religious and calendrical domain for agricultural systems and trade routes, whose main monuments were used to make observations of the sky, being built from the contemplation of the route of the Sun, with temples that present a symmetrical alignment with the stars.
Arroyo Seco, Victoria
It is a zone integrated by a plain and two small natural elevations of relevant landscape value, where the pictorial groups are located with representations of activities that the old inhabitants carried out, this type of painting confers to the place its patrimonial value and distinguishes it as one of the most important concentrations of rock art in the country, it is the second zone of this type opened in the country and the only one in the center of the republic.
Plazuelas, Pénjamo
A site conceived as an open space and in direct relationship with the hills, Plazuelas stands out for its integration into the landscape, as it was carefully built so as not to break the order of its surroundings. The occupation of this site took place between 600 and 900 A.D., a period in which the territory of the current state of Guanajuato reached its highest population density. In this place, we can find a series of carved stones, which represent different themes of the vision that the inhabitants had.
Peralta, Abasolo
It is one of the largest archaeological sites in the state, it was inhabited between 300 and 900 A.D.; it stands out for its monumental architecture that constitutes one of the greatest constructive expressions of the population that lived in El Bajío. These human groups practiced seasonal agriculture on terraces, and on the slopes of the hills and, most likely, took advantage of the Lerma River floods to plant in some parts of the plain.
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