Acapulco will be reborn with international events and the Mexico 2024 Tourist Tianguis

By participating in the press conference headed by the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, announced the holding of the International Mariachi Festival, the Mexican Tennis Open, among other important events that will detonate tourism in this destiny

(Source: SECTUR México)

The Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, highlighted that Acapulco will be reborn touristically and economically through forceful actions that include the organization and holding of international events, as well as the Mexico 2024 Tourist Tianguis, which will take place on the 8th. to April 12, among other actions.

By participating in the morning press conference, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and with the presence of the governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado Pineda, the head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) presented the events that will take place in coordination with the three levels of government and with the help of the private sector with the purpose of promoting the tourist reactivation of this beautiful port that will shine again as in its best times.

He pointed out that, among the activities contemplated that already have significant progress, are: the International Mariachi Festival, the Park of Personalities, the Acapulco from Heaven sporting event, among others.

He indicated that wrestling events will also be held in Acapulco, as well as the World Boxing Championship, and a Nascar race track will be built. Likewise, the holding of the XXXI edition of the Mexican Tennis Open has already been confirmed, from February 26 to March 2, and the Mexican Padel Tennis Open, from March 18 to 25.

Additionally, in coordination with the National Lottery, work is being done on the ticket dedicated to this important tourist destination. With the purpose of the leaders of the sector showing their friendship towards Acapulco, the Tourism Solidarity Dinner will be organized.

Torruco Marqués highlighted the holding of the 48th edition of the Mexico 2024 Tourist Tianguis from April 8 to 12. "Yesterday we had the third follow-up meeting of the Tourist Tianguis, it was already reported that the necessary rooms for attendees are guaranteed, and there will be more available for that date."

As part of the actions to promote tourism promotion of Acapulco, the song Acapulco Renacerá was presented .

During the work tour of Acapulco, the Secretary of Tourism took a tour of the facilities of the Emporio Hotel, and also held a work meeting where the progress of the tourist reactivation was known.

Members of the Legal and Expanded Cabinet, local authorities and members of the business sector also accompanied the president.


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