Chile increases its reference as an international destination and in perception of security

52% of those surveyed affirm that “they have references to Chile and would like to visit it.” The country has also increased its perception as a safe destination

(Source: SERNATUR)

What does Chile look like abroad? This question sought to answer the Longitudinal Study of Priority Markets 2024, carried out by Fundación Imagen Chile and IPSOS, which measures the perception of the country's image in different areas and which this year showed significant advances in the global perception towards our country, reaching record levels of familiarity and favorability.

Among the highlights for the tourism sector, the report highlighted that Chile reached 52% of travel intention among the main destinations in South America during 2024, only surpassed by Brazil (1) and Argentina (2). Likewise, the country is the one that has increased the most as a tourist destination between 2020 and 2024, especially in travel intentions in South American markets, in addition to Shanghai and New Delhi.

The Undersecretary of Tourism, Verónica Pardo, assured that “the results are very interesting because they show us that the promotional actions we have been doing are bearing fruit. There is more memory of our country, there is more desire to come, the natural destination is known and it is believed that Chile is a place that is there and that it is desirable to come and visit.”

Other indicators, which were well received by tourism authorities, were that of the 38% of respondents who know Chile, 54% of them maintain a favorably positive image of Chile, in constant growth over time compared to the main competitors in the region that exhibit more volatile behavior.

Cristóbal Benítez, director of Sernatur, said that “we are very happy with the increase in recognition of the Chile brand in these markets, because we believe that tourism is a fundamental part of the image of our country and we will continue working to strengthen our strategy in these markets, which have been prioritized in our international marketing plan”

For her part, Rossana Dresdner, executive director of Imagen de Chile, commented that “Chile is advancing in its positioning as a leading destination in South America, supported by its incredible landscapes, its diverse and lively culture, its gastronomy and its people. We are a surprising and unique route, but we must work more to make ourselves known. That is what we are doing at Imagen de Chile, together with the Undersecretariat of Tourism and Sernatur.”

Longitudinal Image Study of Chile

Distance remains the main barrier when visiting our country, going from 29% in 2020 to 39% in 2024. However, the perception of security in Chile has improved significantly in the last four years, dropping from 22% in 2020 to 14% in 2024.

The sample carried out for the year 2024 - between January 16 and 22 of this year - was prepared through surveys in the city of Seoul - in South Korea -, Mexico City and Lima, Sao Paulo, New York, London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Shanghai, Tokyo, New Delhi and Dubai, which are considered priority markets for Chile and involved 2,600 participants, analyzing general perception, travel intentions and tourist barriers to visiting Chile.



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