BTMI expanded its connection with the region and the MICE industry at Fiexpo Latin America 2024

Fiexpo Latin America, an event dedicated to the meetings industry, took place at the Panama Convention Center in Panama City from June 10 to 13, and had significant participation from destinations and companies related to the sector

(Source: Travel2latam)

In this context, Travel2latam was able to speak with Corey Garret, Latin America Director at Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc.

What are your expectations about this incredible exhibition?

Once again we are happy to be here in our new base in Panama City and participate, of course, in the Latin American travel media. We have been here for just under a year, planted in the market, opening our office in Panama City, and the results have been surprising so far. Year over year, we have seen an incremental increase of almost 77% in production figures coming from Latin America. And that continues to increase month after month, year after year. So, the potential of these markets: Panama, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, is still producing enough for us. In fact, we are also here with some suppliers. We have Wyndham here with us, also a local DMC. It is very good that the partners also support us as we explore and make more efforts in the Latin American market. But as I said, the fact that we are here is testimony that the destination of Barbados is committed to Latin America, and in fact we are seeing the results in Latin America. 

What is the situation of the Mice industry in the destination?

We are very happy with the meetings industry. I think that's something we're focusing on even more. We have another new hotel. I mentioned Windham, who also purchased other available space for conferences, events, etc. Harrison's Cave is also an events center and can host events. For us, the Mice industry is growing. 

At the Barbados destination we are mixing a little of the old with the new. You have the traditional buildings, the traditional hotels and the event spaces. But we also offer clients the opportunity to access dynamic new outdoor spaces for their clients. So they can bring large groups, they can go to Harrison's Cave, and they even recently took small groups on underwater tours or catamaran cruises. All of these different types of activities and products that we have on the island complement what is a traditional environment where there are large rooms and comfort centers so that we can accommodate both segments, Mice and Leisure. We see this as a very interesting niche that we will definitely pursue. There is a lot of interest coming from Latin America, so we hope to add to our overall Barbados production numbers with large groups in the coming months and over the next few years, coming from this Latin American region.

They have incredible PGA courses at the destination. What can you tell us about it?

PGA is actually a very special program for me because just a few years ago I was in charge of the sports department, so I was the one who signed the agreement with it. I have made it my goal to take this brand of Barbados, along with us wherever we go. But we have really signed a unique agreement with the PGA. It's a momentous occasion for us, we announced it last December. The destination has visibility and awareness in all PGA Tour PGA Championship events throughout the calendar. We are preparing soon to do something with their partners here in Latin America. We are also going to use the PGA as a tool to incentivize our Latin American travel agents, because we have access to some tickets. So definitely the travel sector in Latin America can hear how they can be part of that whole incentive-driven program from the Barbados team associated with the PGA. 

Truly, it is a momentous occasion, one of a kind, that is giving Barbados great visibility, it is a great union because we have seven splendid golf courses on the island. We recently opened the world famous and technologically advanced Apes Hill Golf Course. All of these things complement the partnership with the PGA and the product and offering of the Barbados destination.

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