Private Reserve Network: Building a legacy of respect and responsibility towards nature

The Argentine Network of Private Natural Reserves (RARNP) is the first initiative in the country that integrates private reserves and civil society organizations committed to the conservation of natural and cultural values ​​on privately owned lands

(Source: RARNAP)

RARNP is a voluntary conservation movement on private lands that contributes to the effective conservation and sustainable use of the natural and cultural values ​​of the national territory, becoming the first initiative in the country that integrates and articulates the commitment of the owners of private reserves and renowned environmental organizations such as Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, Félix de Azara, Aves Argentinas, among others. 

There are more and more owners who are involved and concerned about the future of their children on this planet and who are convinced and motivated to conserve. These initiatives that seek to produce while conserving are the great global challenge to achieve a balance between our relationship with nature and rationality in the use of resources. Sustainable, diversified and economically profitable production where nature is the central protagonist. Guillermo Connell, President of the Argentine Network of Private Natural Reserves and owner of RNP Yaguarundí in San Vicente - Misiones says “Voluntary conservation in Argentina is a fundamental pillar to preserve the wealth of our ecosystems and ensure a sustainable future for future generations. The commitment of those of us who make up the Network of Reserves to protect the environment reflects the importance of valuing and caring for biodiversity, which makes our country unique by having the largest number of hectares under private conservation. Through voluntary conservation, we are building a legacy of respect and responsibility towards nature, vital to maintaining the balance of our ecosystems.”

In Argentina, protected areas cover only 8% of the national territory, which is why it is key to involve private owners, who own 90% of the territory and have the most valuable and diverse natural and cultural resources.

The Argentine Network of Private Reserves is made up of 111 private reserves that are fields of individuals, companies, non-profit organizations, clubs and even universities that have different motivations but converge in conservation and sustainable use objectives and that add up to 223 thousand hectares to date. This makes Argentina one of the Latin American countries with the largest area protected by initiatives of this category.

“Being part of RARNAP is the best way to feel accompanied, to join forces, to feel that we are on the right path” says Juliana Powell, co-owner of RNP Senderos del Monte in Gualeguaychú - Entre Ríos, member of the RARNAP tourism commission. The graduate in Planning and Landscape Design continues by saying “It is very gratifying to witness the growth of RARNAP in these 10 years of history, in which work teams have been consolidated at a regional level, as well as by interests (Ecotourism, sustainable small-scale production and regenerative livestock, environmental services)”.

In a world marked by significant global biodiversity loss, population growth, poverty and voracious demand for natural resources, private nature reserves are becoming increasingly important worldwide as protagonists in the creation of protected areas for multiple uses where conservation can be achieved but also sustainable production, such as meat production on native grasslands or the development of ecotourism in reserves are profitable economic activities that are compatible with biodiversity conservation.

The Network hopes that the State will recognize the importance of the complementarity of the conservation of public lands with private lands and thus facilitate and promote their formation, since they allow the protected surface of a country to increase at a lower cost for governments. And the organization continues by saying “The dedication to voluntary conservation in Argentina is an act of love and respect for our planet, demonstrating that together we can protect and revitalize the natural beauty of our wonderful country.” That is why for 10 years, RARNAP has assumed the commitment to conserve the environment and invites people to visit and learn about the private reserves of the network and in this way help promote and promote their products and services, where biodiversity, water resources, soil are protected and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Source: Argentine Network of Private Natural Reserves.

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