Uruguay continues to invest in training in tourism and gastronomy

On this occasion, the action plan in terms of cooperation is with Portugal. For this reason, the Undersecretary of Tourism, Remo Monzeglio, was received by the Secretary of Tourism of that country, Pedro Machado

(Source: MINTUR)

It was agreed to carry out an exchange of visits by teachers from both countries, representatives of Escolas do Turismo de Portugal and the UTU of Uruguay.

It was stipulated that the European country will primarily send gastronomy teachers specializing in fish and seafood who can pass on their knowledge at the UTU Parador Pedro Figari in Punta del Este, while UTU will do the same by sending chefs specialized in preparing Uruguayan grilled meats, among others.

Undersecretary Monzeglio stated that he has been a constant promoter of public training in the areas of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy because he understands that the quality of services in these areas is vital for the development of tourism in Uruguay.

It is worth remembering that in May the Secretary of Tourism of Portugal visited our country where the first stage of coordination began and he highlighted the importance of working together to advance in areas such as reciprocal promotion and training in tourism and gastronomy.

Within the framework of the official mission to the country, the Undersecretary of Tourism, Remo Monzeglio, also held a meeting with the Executive Director of the Portuguese Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies, Ricardo Figueredo. During the meeting, they discussed air connectivity through Madrid, the enormous advantage of having peak seasons of sun and beach in opposite periods of the year and the need to promote the best-known tourist destinations in both countries. In this regard, Figueredo was invited to visit Uruguay on a famtour of Portuguese travel agents in the first half of December to Punta del Este, Montevideo and Colonia.

Source: MINTUR Uruguay.

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