Mexico: More than 49 million passengers transported on domestic and international flights from January to May 2024

Tourism Secretary Miguel Torruco Marqués reported that, from January to May 2024, the number of passengers on domestic flights increased by 15.5% and on international flights by 19.8%, compared to the same period in 2019

(Source: Sectur)

Torruco Marqués announced that, during the first five months of 2024, 49 million 713 thousand air passengers were transported, of which 24 million 365 thousand passengers were on domestic flights and 25 million 347 thousand passengers were on international flights.

The head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) pointed out that in the case of domestic flights, the number of passengers transported in the same period of 2019 is 15.5% higher, while, in international flights, the increase is 19.8% more passengers transported in the same period of 2019, and 8.3% more than that period of 2023.

He indicated that, regarding domestic flights, the airlines with the highest passenger flow during January-May 2024 were: Viva Aerobus and Volaris, which transported 17 million 103 thousand passengers, exceeding the figure for 2019, with an increase of 61.9%.

The five main airlines with the highest number of passengers arriving on domestic flights during the months of January to May 2024 were: Viva Aerobus with 9 million 82 thousand passengers, Volaris with 8 million 21 thousand passengers, Aeroméxico with 5 million 121 thousand passengers transported, Aeroméxico Connect with one million 824 thousand passengers, and Mexicana with 98 thousand 16 passengers transported.

Torruco Marqués specified that the main Mexican airlines that transported passengers on international flights from January to May were: Aeroméxico and Volaris with 5 million 393 thousand passengers, which represents 13.7% more than in 2023 and 35% more than the passengers in the same period in 2019.

The US airlines that had the highest passenger flow during January-May 2024 were: American Airlines and United Airlines, which transported 5 million 978 thousand passengers, that is, 8.2% more than in the same period in 2023, also surpassing the passengers of the first five months of 2019 with 52.4% more.

Regarding passengers transported on international flights during the first five months of 2024, according to the main markets, North America concentrates a share of 86.7% of the total, of which, 12 million 602 thousand passengers were transported from the US market, with an increase of 7.9% more than in the same period of 2023; on international flights on Mexican airlines, 6 million 760 thousand passengers were transported, with an increase of 14.3% more than from January to May 2023; while on flights from Canada to Mexico, 2 million 618 thousand passengers traveled, which represents an increase of 13.8% more compared to the same period of 2023.

In the European market, 1,563,000 passengers were transported to our country; 1,679,000 passengers were transported from Central and South America, and 124,428 passengers were registered from the Asian market.

The head of Sectur stressed that without air connectivity there is no tourism, which is why, in the current administration, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the increase of 480 new international air routes to Mexico has been promoted during the period from December 2018 to May of this year, as well as the diversification of the tourism product, with the purpose of fulfilling his mandate, to make tourism a tool for social reconciliation.

Source: SECTUR.

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