More than 14 billion dollars enter Mexico from international visitors from January to May 2024

The Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, reported that this represents an increase of 8.1% more than the same period in 2023, and also exceeds by 35.1% what was captured from January to May 2019

(Source: Sectur)

Miguel Torruco Marqués reported that foreign currency income from international visitors from January to May 2024 was 14,975 million dollars, that is, 8.1% more compared to the same period in 2023; also exceeding by 35.1% what was collected from January to May 2019, which was 11,081 million dollars.

The head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) reported that based on the results of the International Travelers Survey published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), from January to May 2024, 18 million 128 thousand international tourists entered the country, which represents 6.1% more than what was captured during January-May 2023.

He pointed out that the income from international tourists in the first five months of the year was 13,903 million dollars, which represents 7.4% more compared to the same period in 2023; also exceeding by 37.3% the foreign currency of the same period in 2019, which was 10,126 million dollars.

During January-May 2024, 10 million 524 thousand air tourists arrived in Mexico, which represents an increase of 5.7% compared to the same period in 2023, also exceeding by 21.1% the air tourists captured in the same period in 2019.

Torruco Marqués reported that foreign currency income from airborne tourists between January and May 2024 increased by 8.1% compared to the first five months of 2023, reaching 12,811 million dollars, which also represents an increase of 41.4% compared to what was collected in the same period in 2019.

Regarding the average expenditure of inbound tourists by air during January-May 2024, this amounted to 1,217.3 dollars; with a growth of 2.3% compared to the same period in 2023, and exceeding by 16.7% the average expenditure recorded in the same months of 2019.

The head of Sectur specified that during January-May 2024, 4 million 499 thousand cruise passengers arrived at the different ports of the country, exceeding by 8.4% the 4 million 151 cruise passengers who arrived in the same period of 2019.

In addition, the income from cruise ship passengers during January-May of this year amounted to 381.9 million dollars, exceeding by 32.5% what was collected in the same period of 2019, when 288.2 million dollars were recorded.

From January to May 2024, the balance of international visitors was 10,983.6 million dollars, which is 3.2% more than the figure recorded in the same period of 2023; also exceeding by 53.3% the balance collected in the first five months of 2019.

The Secretary of Tourism said that the increase in foreign currency income from international visitors, as well as the average expenditure by tourists, is a reflection that the tourism policy instructed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is correct, since this is how the tourism potential of a nation is measured, for the benefit of the local population, making tourism a tool for social reconciliation.

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