Chilean Undersecretariat of Tourism and Sernatur present the National Strategy for Sustainable Tourism 2035

The ceremony held at the Botanical Garden of Viña del Mar marks the beginning of a roadmap that seeks to consolidate tourism as a driver of sustainable development and community well-being throughout the country

(Source: SERNATUR)

At a ceremony held at the Botanical Garden of Viña del Mar, the Undersecretariat of Tourism and the National Tourism Service officially presented the National Strategy for Sustainable Tourism 2035. The event was attended by important authorities, including the Minister of Economy, Nicolás Grau; along with authorities from the Valparaíso region, directors of Indap, Conaf, Corfo, Imagen de Chile, among others; and representatives of national and regional associations of the tourism sector.

The National Strategy for Sustainable Tourism 2035, part of President Gabriel Boric's government program, has been developed through an extensive participatory process, which included interviews, workshops, surveys and consultations with more than 2,200 key actors in the sector, such as officials from the Undersecretariat of Tourism and Sernatur, in addition to the valuable participation of unions, academia, civil society, communities, local, regional and national authorities.

The Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Nicolás Grau, highlighted the importance of the Strategy for the future of tourism in Chile, “this is a commitment of President Boric, it was in our program and we have fully fulfilled it under the leadership of Undersecretary Pardo. A document produced in a decentralized manner with more than 90 meetings and more than 2,200 people throughout the country, reflecting the diversity of the territory and laying out a coherent roadmap that will allow us to articulate our policies for tourism in the next 10 years, with tourism being a very important tool for development and job creation throughout the country.”

The Undersecretary of Tourism, Verónica Pardo, highlighted the hard work carried out by all the actors involved in the creation of this Strategy, “from the beginning this document was created with territorial participation, resulting in a solid strategy that emphasizes territoriality, equity, and the social. We know that tourism is a key economic driver, particularly in the rural world, so being able to have articulated an effort that also aims to bring together several other ministries, strengthening public-private governance so that tourism is a cross-cutting policy, makes us very happy.”

The national director of Sernatur, Cristóbal Benítez, highlighted that, “the success of this strategy depends largely on the integration of its pillars and the appropriation of the different sectoral and regional bodies, incorporating their perspective, as was the case in the work of building the strategy from the beginning, with a participatory process that included the views of more than two thousand actors from all over the country. We are committed to the development of tourism in Chile and we hope that between now and 2035 we will generate a positive impact on the territories and local communities of Chile.”

The main objective of this input is to consolidate tourism as a strategic and essential activity for the sustainable development of the country's regions. The vision for 2035 is for Chile to be recognized for its sustainable tourism, which contributes to the well-being of people and communities, environmental conservation and economic growth.

The pillars of the National Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2035 include:

Decentralized Public-Private Governance: Promote the active inclusion of diverse local and regional communities.
Sustainable Tourism: Focus on environmental conservation and ecosystem regeneration.-
Unique positioning and experiences: Promote outstanding tourism experiences throughout the territory.-
Tourism Intelligence: Strengthen the management and measurement of tourism in destinations and territories. –
High-impact productive ecosystems: Increase investment in infrastructure and connectivity.-
Green tourism investment: Promote economic growth with purpose and territorial relevance.

The National Strategy for Sustainable Tourism 2035 not only seeks to respond to the current challenges of the sector, but also to prepare communities and tourism destinations for a more resilient and sustainable future. Decentralization, inclusion and equity are fundamental principles that will guide this roadmap, ensuring that all regions of Chile can benefit equitably from tourism development.


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