Paraguay signs agreement to assess its digital value as a tourist destination

The National Secretariat of Tourism and the company MetaData signed a cooperation agreement for the preparation of tourism monitoring reports, which discuss the digital assessment of Paraguay as a tourist destination, and its positioning abroad

(Source: SENATUR)

The Minister of Tourism, Angie Duarte, and the president of MetaData, Hernán Alfredo Churruarín, signed the document, through which a strategic alliance is established to carry out successful joint actions that will contribute to the task of promoting destinations and the promotion of investment with sustainable projects that generate employment.

According to the head of Senatur, the work to be carried out will provide significant value in terms of technology and data, which are essential for our country's position in the world. "It will help us measure where we stand, because everything that is measurable can be improved," she added.

With the arrival of new technologies, it is increasingly important for institutions to have a good digital reputation, to work to make ourselves seen and gain recognition on the networks, so that actions are valued and recognized.

And in this sense, the monitoring reports, in addition to making us known digitally as a tourist destination, will guide us to know what we should spend our time on and what we should strive for in order to achieve the proposed objective.

This first-hand information will give us the roadmap to follow in each destination in our country, and will become one of the most valuable gears to achieve quality tourism.

Source: SENATUR.

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