Uruguay present at the XIII South American Bird Fair

The fair took place from October 3 to 6 in Esteros de Iberá – Corrientes, Argentina with the aim of generating a meeting where both professionals and the general public were shown the entire tourist offer in terms of birdwatching

(Source: MINTUR Uruguay)

The South American Bird Fair is the most important of its kind on the continent. Delegations of birdwatchers from 23 countries participated, mainly from all destinations in South America, as well as the USA, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Portugal, Spain, Germany and Uganda. 

Both professionals and amateurs and bird lovers sought training, travel and discover more places that offer unique experiences, different landscapes and, above all, the ability to observe new birds.

Participating in the Uruguay stand were the representative for Marine Fauna Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, Mónica Lozano, the nature guide Luciano Patrón, the tour operator and guide Gonzalo Millacet for Birding Tour Uruguay, Alejandra Pons for the COA of Maldonado and Punta del Este and Adrián Stagi from the NGO Aves Uruguay.

Uruguay is a privileged country in this area, as it has about 545 species of birds registered at the moment, which in a few hours and short distances allows observing between 50 and 100 birds in one morning in ecosystems such as wetlands, forests, lagoons, grasslands and the ocean coast, accompanied by specialized guides and quality services. The country has an important hydrographic network that, together with the climate and landscapes, make it possible for the observer to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

Uruguay has great tourism potential in this area, given, among other things, by the large number and diversity of bird species that can be observed in a few hours of travel. 

On Sunday, September 8, one of the birdwatching tours organized by @wildpuntadelesteuy and declared of Tourist Interest by the Ministry of Tourism took place.

These are activities open to the community that promote bird watching tourism in the different ecosystems of the Maldonado department, and that contribute to the development of the activity.

On that occasion, a boat trip was made accompanied by specialized guides, aboard the catamaran Calypso from Punta del Este, around Isla de Lobos and Isla Gorriti, then a walk through the Port of Punta del Este and Roquedales. During the morning and after noon the following were observed: Giant Petrel, Royal Tern, Long-tailed Tern, Masked Tern, Oystercatcher, Cuckoo, Kelp Gull, Brown-browed Swallow, Lanca, Great Blue Swallow, Little Blue Swallow, Oxpecker, Little White Egret, Great Grebe, Lesser Yellow-legged Sandpiper, Greater Yellow-legged Sandpiper, Blackbird, Bufflehead, Turnstone, Carancho, Barcino Duck, Magellanic Penguin, Parakeet, Sparrow, Chimango, Tero, Pitiayumi, Frostbird, Red-crested Cardinal. But also two specimens of Southern Right Whale, South American Fur Seal and Sea Lion.

Continuing with the cycle of practical outings, on Sunday, September 15, more than 50 people met at the EcoParque La Alameda, in the city of San Carlos, Maldonado, to share a morning of bird watching with the Wild Punta del Este team led by Adrián Azpiroz and Rosanna Freda. Among the participants, a Russian family and a German one, highlighted the advantages of Maldonado and Uruguay for ecotourism, were fascinated by the nature of the place and stressed the importance of making birding proposals for all those who want to participate. “You enjoy the activity and get to know the local people.” The activity was guided by participants of the Ecotourism for Conservation course developed by the tourism department of the Municipality of Maldonado throughout the department. These open and free sessions are held throughout the year with the aim of promoting bird watching as a year-round tourist activity.

Azpiroz said that during the three-hour tour, they were able to record more than 70 species of birds, highlighting the environmental value of the place, as well as the care that is being given to it by the municipality, which designed paths and areas so that it can be used as a recreational area for families who come to spend the day and at the same time preserves and maintains an area with native forest for ecotourism activities. Without motors or activities that cause noise or light pollution.

The La Alameda Ecopark has been especially valued by the current municipal government. Mayor Carlos Pereyra, who was present at the activity, announced that they plan to place signs to promote bird watching. Trails have been created, the area has been cleaned, bathrooms are being built, and the activities carried out by visitors are also being monitored and controlled in order to care for and protect the park so that everyone can use it without causing prejudice in any way.

Source: MINTUR Uruguay.

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