Universal Assistance launches new strategies and products

Danilo Godoy, marketing director at Universal Assistance, presented some of the company's main innovations and products, which has positioned itself as a reference in the travel assistance market, especially after its incorporation into the multinational group Gírico

(Source: Mary de Aquino.)

Growth in the Brazilian market post-pandemic

According to Godoy, the demand for travel assistance services has grown significantly in Brazil, especially in the post-pandemic period. "The travel market in Brazil, especially for those leaving the country, is increasingly in demand, especially for people who need medical support abroad," said the director. Universal Assistance offers support anywhere in the world, and one of the innovations highlighted was the development of an app that allows customers to communicate with the center, even without a connection to local telephone networks.

Furthermore, Godoy mentioned that the company is focused on serving a growing audience of Brazilians traveling abroad, especially for leisure and corporate trips, with a strong presence in Latin America. The expectation for 2024 is for expansion, both in the volume of services and in the development of new products adapted to the needs of travelers.

Technology and agile service

Godoy emphasized the technological advantages that Universal Assistance provides to its customers. The company's app operates 24 hours a day, allowing users to access a variety of services, such as telemedicine with Portuguese-speaking doctors and the issuance of prescriptions in the language. "You can choose to speak to a local doctor or be directed to the nearest hospital or clinic, as well as having the option of requesting a doctor to come to your location," explained Godoy.

Another highlight was the ease of reimbursement processes, which can be done entirely digitally. "The customer doesn't need to send emails or speak to anyone, they just need to do everything through the app. Our system is fast and efficient," added the director. In addition, the company stands out by guaranteeing that the customer will not be charged after returning to Brazil, a practice that, according to Godoy, is common among some competitors and can cause friction between travelers and travel agents.

Exclusive products and global expansion

Godoy also highlighted the strength of the Universal Assistance brand abroad, with a consolidated presence in several countries and a global network of more than one million trained professionals. "Our brand is very strong outside of Brazil, we have great relationships and a global team prepared to offer the best service," he said.

Regarding partnerships with travel agents, the director stressed the importance of offering insurance that is appropriate for the type of trip planned. "Many people think they will save money by buying a cheaper product, but when they arrive in a destination like the United States, they realize that the insurance is insufficient. It is important that the travel agent offers the right insurance for each situation, ensuring that the client is well served," he said.

VIP Delay Product Launch

During Abav Expo, Universal Assistance also presented the launch of VIP de Lei, a new product that offers access to VIP lounges in airports around the world. "Unlike some competitors that offer VIP lounges in just one location, such as Guarulhos, we offer 1,100 VIP lounges around the world," Godoy highlighted. The service includes vouchers that can be used on multiple trips, providing greater comfort to travelers.

Report and photo: Mary de Aquino.

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