The panel discussed contemporary demands that are shaping the business models of airports of the future, such as best practices in concession contracts.
Another topic discussed this Tuesday (12) was the optimization of the capacity of the airport infrastructure with a focus on the best experience for passengers, from the perspective of airlines, immigration authorities, technology experts and operational security.
The ACI-LAC Assembly, Conference and Exhibition also devoted part of the day to the potential of regional airports, the prospects of airlines and the tourism sector based on the development of regional aviation.
Sustainability, innovation and competitive environment
In the year in which the ACI-LAC conference had as its theme “Fundamentals for airport growth: sustainability, innovation and competitive environment”, for two days experts presented what is already being put into practice and the trends to make passenger travel easier, with new technologies and processes used by airports, airlines and immigration authorities.
Investments by airports and their business partners in business models that generate non-aeronautical revenues, such as lounges and VIP terminals, as well as the diversification of retail spaces and the implementation of concept stores, were also discussed.
Regarding the responses that the airport industry is presenting to the climate crisis, the ACI-LAC conference presented financing solutions for the “green transition” that the sector's actors are going through and debates on the challenges of implementing sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles (eVTOL).
Challenges and opportunities for regional airports in the Caribbean
Regional airports are crucial to the social and economic development of their regions. While they offer many benefits, they face financial and operational challenges. In a region like the Caribbean, made up of 7,000 islands spread across 17 countries and territories, they ensure essential air connectivity.
At the end of the academic agenda of the ACI-LAC Assembly, Conference and Exhibition, Caribbean experts and industry leaders presented, during the Caribbean Regional Airports Summit, studies with opportunities to expand air traffic in the region, from business planning solutions, infrastructure development and greater connectivity.
Speakers at the summit included Charles Schlumberger, an air transport specialist at the World Bank, as well as representatives from Caribbean airports, airport technology companies and consulting firms specializing in cargo transport and the environment.
“There are many institutions that can contribute to supporting the development of our industry in the Caribbean and the opportunity that ACI-LAC creates, at a conference like this, for fundamental exchanges, allows us to share experiences and good practices and to continue to develop the airport industry for the benefit of passengers and the communities where the airports are located. ACI-LAC thanks all those who supported us and we hope to see them again in Trinidad & Tobago next year,” said Rafael Echevarne, General Counsel of ACI-LAC.
Over two days, the Airports Council International Latin America and Caribbean Assembly and Conference 2024 brought together around 400 participants at Expo Guadalajara in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, including top industry executives, government and airport authorities, and experts in aviation, technology, the environment, accessibility, management, and finance.
ACI-LAC would like to thank the host Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP) and the sponsors of this event for their hospitality: Areas, Avolta, Mera, SSP America, Adelte, Amadeus, Arconas, Allen & Co Caribbean Inc, Collins Aeroespacial, Exolum, ITAérea Aeronautical Business School, EC Solutions, Morpho, Naco, RG Media, SmithsDetection, TAV Technologies, ADB Safegate, Groupe ADP, ALSTEF Group, Beumer Group, Global Exchange, CIMC TIANDA,, Inmaquip, Incomelec, Matec, Outsight, Sectus, SAAB, SITA, Thales, TrackiT, Ulma, Xovis.
Source: ACI-LAC.