Uruguay promotes the development of tourism projects and service providers

The beneficiaries of Competitive Funds for the Development of the Tourism Offer were recently announced

(Source: Ministerio de Turismo de Uruguay)

The announcement was made on December 17, in the Arredondo Room of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR), and was attended by the Minister of Tourism, Eduardo Sanguinetti, the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP), Fernando Mattos and the National Director of Tourism, Roque Baudean.

Firstly, in 2022 the COMPETITIVE FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF URUGUAY'S WINE TOURISM OFFER was created, which has now been in its third edition.

With the idea of ​​diversifying and serving a constantly growing product, the COMPETITIVE FUND FOR STRENGTHENING THE TOURISM OFFER IN RURAL AND NATURAL AREAS was created in 2023, and in 2024, support from the MGAP was obtained to increase financial support.

Finally, in 2024, THE FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE COASTAL TOURISM will emerge, which seeks to address public and private projects with a focus on the coastal area (not just the traditional one) and on the sustainability of the natural resource.

The development of these tools also involves inter-institutional work with various key actors from both the public and private sectors. 

In this regard, it is worth highlighting the support of the National Institute of Viticulture (INAVI), MGAP, University of the Republic (UDELAR), Ministry of Environment (MA) and Ministry of Housing and Territorial Development (MVOT), where technicians from these different institutions have participated in the different evaluation committees, which has allowed to enrich the evaluation process. 

The selected projects will receive comprehensive support in:

Technical support at the different stages of the project. This involves the support of specialized tutoring by MINTUR technicians.

Non-refundable financial contribution aimed at supporting business proposals. 

2024 Winners


For this call, a total of $U 2,400,000.- (two million four hundred thousand Uruguayan pesos) has been assigned to the set of proposals that were selected:

Adventure Tourism Category

Todo Aventura Guernica (Soriano) with the project NAUTICAL SUPPORT AND TRANSPORT SERVICES, which proposes to develop and offer specialized nautical support and transport services for exploration, research and tourist trips in the region, through the purchase of equipment. 

El Detachment (Lavalleja): with the EL DESTACAMENTO COUNTRY HOUSE ADVENTURE project, with the development of an environmental interpretation trail of between 4 and 6 km with an interpretation center and an accessible bathroom. 

Quincho Nativo (Tacuarembó): with the project DEVELOPMENT AND NETWORKING IN QUINCHO NATIVO, ZAPARÁ AND THE REGION, with the development of new proposals for Trekking, Horseback Riding and improvement of equipment for bird watching and astrotourism. 

Rural Category 

La Casona (Rivera): with the project LA CASONA A JOURNEY TO THE WORLD OF BEES, where the construction of a premises that serves as an educational and reception space for visitors is proposed (granted by the MGAP as a family producer).

Estancia Bichadero (Tacuarembó): with the project STRENGTHENING THE ACCESSIBILITY OF ESTANCIA BICHADERO, which highlights the generation of infrastructure in two new inclusive trails, suitable for a specific public of older adults and people with disabilities that allow them to get to know the ravine. 

Category Astrotourism

Valle Edén Paseos (Tacuarembó) with the project CONSOLIDATING THE EXPERIENCE OF ASTROTOURISM AND ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY WITH CELL PHONES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF TACUAREMBÓ AND THE NORTHERN REGION. "LOOKING WITH OTHER EYES", with the purchase of equipment for the development of observation activities that seek to improve the experience of astrotourism and astrophotography with cell phones. 


For this call, a total of $U 1,000,000.- (one million Uruguayan pesos) has been allocated for the set of proposals that were selected:

Bracco Bosca Winery (Canelones) with the THE WINE LAB project, which seeks to create a space for meeting and learning. It will be a clubhouse designed as a wine laboratory, where participants will be able to experiment with different strains and components to create their own blends or "blends." 

Pizzorno Winery (Canelones) with the ASTRONOMICAL AND NATURAL WINE ECO SPA project, which aims to offer wine therapy treatments: wine baths, exfoliation and massages with grape oil, in addition to night-time activities of astronomical observation of the vineyards and astrology workshops. To do this, the starting point will be the construction of two elements: a Dome and a handmade Tub. 

Mention for a third provider with partial support of the submitted project

Gamba Winery (Canelones) with the project HERITAGE IN EVERY GLASS: LIVE A WINE TOURISM EXPERIENCE IN EVERY GLASS, which seeks to consolidate an infrastructure with the aim of providing higher quality services. 


For this call, a total of $U 2,000,000.- (two million Uruguayan pesos) has been allocated for the set of proposals that were selected:

Barcos del Este (Maldonado) will use the funds provided to purchase equipment, improve infrastructure and produce informational materials to promote activities. 

The Floating Sustainable Nautical School (Canelones) intends to acquire new boats and safety equipment, which will allow it to increase the number of people reached for each activity carried out in the Solís Grande Stream. 

ProDive Diving (Salto) whose objective is to improve the infrastructure and landscape the Canteras El Terrible property, a place which seeks to establish itself as a regional reference destination for the practice of various sports and recreational activities. 

Casco Viejo de La Pedrera, Rocha Tourism Directorate (Rocha), aims to revitalize and improve the aesthetics of the Pedestrian Area, with the creation of safe spaces for pedestrians, the development of green spaces, placement of garbage containers, bicycle racks and attractive, colorful and functional tourist signage for the place. 

Source: Mintur Uruguay.

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