The event was organized by CAMTUR and the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay (MINTUR), with the aim of promoting the country and offering a key space to generate business opportunities for Uruguayan tour operators. CAMTUR, as a representative of the private sector, facilitated this space so that national operators could connect and do business with international operators.
The event included a country presentation that also adopted a training format for operators. The Uruguayan operators themselves were in charge of highlighting the main attractions of Uruguay, explaining how to structure tourist packages, how to promote them and what is the best way to travel within the country.
Uruguayan authorities were present at the event, such as Remo Monzeglio, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Tourism; Roque Baudean Maddalena, National Director of Tourism; and Doris Rodríguez, Planning Manager of MINTUR.
CAMTUR described the event as “very positive” as it opened up business spaces that not only generated immediate opportunities, but also facilitated the construction of long-term business relationships, allowing international operators to continue learning about Uruguay’s new offerings and developments.
In this regard, Marina Cantera, president of CAMTUR, said that "maintaining these spaces over time is very important; being able to come every year makes the work much more consistent, and the people who participate continue to learn about the new developments that are happening in Uruguay."
He also stressed that “this type of event is essential” since Experimente Uruguay served as “a platform for doing business, but also as a showcase to promote Uruguay as a tourist destination, showing the best that the country has to offer.”
Source: Camtur Uruguay.