One Hundred Years of Solitude: The Colombian landscapes that gave life to Macondo

Discover all the beauty and unique features of destinations capable of inspiring magical realism in works such as “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

(Source: Colombia Travel)

When Gabriel García Márquez wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude, he created a universe so vivid that it transcended the pages to become a part of the collective imagination. More than six decades later, Macondo, that mythical town, becomes real in the Netflix adaptation that pays homage to his masterpiece.

Among the departments selected for the filming of this ambitious series, Tolima stands out as a key setting. Here, in Ibagué and Alvarado, four versions of Macondo were built that reflect the passage of time in the narrative, from its first rudimentary houses to a more modern town with illuminated streets.  

Tolima not only represents an ideal visual and logistical facet for the production of the series, but also evokes the essence of Macondo: a place where the magical and the everyday converge. But Tolima is much more than a film set. It is a tourist destination full of history, culture and landscapes that invite you to immerse yourself in its rich biodiversity and in the literary imagination that García Márquez immortalized.  

Below, we present five tourism experiences in Tolima that make this a perfect place to delve into and discover a world full of new experiences.

Source: Colombia.Travel

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