Avianca announces new direct Dallas-Bogotá route

The airline has announced that starting May 26, it will operate a direct route between Dallas and Bogotá with four weekly frequencies between the two cities.

(Source: Avianca)

Avianca has announced the launch of its new direct route between Dallas and Bogotá, set to begin operations on May 26 with four weekly flights. With this new service, the airline continues to strengthen connectivity across the Americas, providing more direct flight options to Latin America with a product designed to let customers choose how they want to travel.

The route will be operated by Avianca’s Airbus A320 fleet, with a capacity of 180 passengers, representing a weekly offer of 1,440 seats.

“We continue to strengthen connectivity across the Americas, offering our customers more options to travel directly between the United States and Colombia. We are excited to give travelers a new way to reach Bogotá from Dallas, adding to our 21 routes between the U.S. and Latin America during peak seasons. Bogotá is undoubtedly a vibrant destination, rich in history, culture, and fascinating places to explore”; said Rolando Damas, Avianca’s Sales Director for North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Europe.

This new route joins Avianca’s existing operations between the United States and Colombia, including: Miami-Medellín, Orlando-Medellín, New York-Pereira, New York-Medellín, Fort Lauderdale-Medellín, Miami-Cartagena, New York-Cartagena, Miami-Cali, New York-Cali, Tampa-Bogotá, Chicago-Bogotá, Miami-Bogotá, Orlando-Bogotá, New York-Bogotá, Washington-Bogotá, Fort Lauderdale-Bogotá, Boston-Bogotá, and Miami-Barranquilla.

Customers can purchase tickets through, mobile app, or travel agencies.

Source: Avianca.

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