WTM Latin America celebrates the growth of the Operators Area

With 100% of the stands already sold, in addition to new features and an expansion strategy, the Operators Area is growing and welcoming six new exhibitors, such as SunCoast and Turista FC, bringing new features and expansion plans

(Source: WTM Latin America)

Renowned for fostering debates, sharing best practices and bringing together key players in the sector, WTM Latin America also stands out as one of the most important showcases of tourism products and services in the region. Connecting buyers and sellers is one of the main areas of specialization of the largest B2B event in the travel and tourism industry in Latin America, confirmed for April 14-16, 2025, at the Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo (SP). 

This year, the Operators Area, one of the busiest areas of the pavilion, will feature new additions. SunCoast, a tour operator based in Orlando (USA) and in the capital of São Paulo, and Turista FC, an operator based in Rio de Janeiro and focused on sports experiences, will go from being visitors to the event to exhibitors. Also making their debut in the pavilion, in alphabetical order, are Century Travel, Queops, Travel Global and Visual.

SunCoast makes its debut with the aim of strengthening the brand, gaining new partners and introducing something new to the portfolio. “Participating in WTM Latin America has always been a desire of ours, as it is a highly valued fair, which brings together big names and offers significant returns,” says Karla Santana, Account Manager for SunCoast USA. 

Participating with a stand of its own at WTM Latin America also marks a strategic move by SunCoast to reach an even wider audience. According to Karla, the decision reflects the company’s commitment to “really show up” and expand its partner agency base. “We want to strengthen our ties with current partners and introduce our work to agencies that are not yet familiar with our products or have lost contact with us over time. The focus is on creating connections and expanding our presence in the market,” she argues.

Among the new features that SunCoast will present at the fair is the launch of European circuits, a significant expansion of its portfolio, traditionally focused on the United States. The details of this diversification of the offer will be officially announced during the event. “We are very excited about the opportunity to strengthen relations with the market and launch the event in the pavilion, as we believe that WTM Latin America is the perfect setting for this,” concludes Karla.

Acting as a legitimate consultancy service that provides 360-degree assistance to travelers interested in participating in the world's major sporting events, Turista FC is exhibiting at WTM Latin America with the aim of promoting the brand nationally and internationally. “We are not limited to a ticket office, we act as a company that takes care of the entire customer experience, guaranteeing access to events, security, quality and comfort before, during and after,” highlights João Paulo Fernandes, commercial director of the JPM Viagens group, owner of the Turista FC brand.

The opening of an office in Portugal is one of the new features that the company will bring to WTM Latin America. “Participating annually in the fair as participants leads us to believe that we are at the right moment in our history to turn the key, on this occasion as exhibitors, to reach new markets and new companies,” argues Fernandes. 

Visitors will be able to learn more about the brand's internationalisation and stay up to date with the latest developments in this booming sports tourism market. "We will introduce our exclusive VIP escort service in Europe and North America for group and individual trips," concludes the executive.

With capacity for up to 50 stands by 2025, the surface is already fully sold out with around 40 confirmed companies. In alphabetical order, the operators already confirmed for the twelfth edition of WTM Latin America are: Abreutur, Agaxtur, Bancorbrás, Brementur, Cativa, Century Travel, Diversa Turismo, Domundo, E-HTL, Easy Travel Shop, Europlus, Flot, FRT, Incomum, Interep, Just Travel, Litoral Verde, Lusanova, New Age, Newmon Travel, Nova Pasargada, Orinter, Pastore Turismo, Personal Turismo, Queops Travel, RCA Operadora, Sanchat, Schultz, Soul Traveler, Soy Loco Por Ti America, Suncoast USA, Transmundi, Travel Global, Travel Partner, Turista FC, UneWorld, Via Capi.

“We concluded the full commercialization – the sold out – of the Operators Area in the week before Carnival, which is very significant. In particular, I see three very clear factors that show the movements of the market. The first of them is the strengthening and prominence that we are seeing of the operators in the trade, in general. Then, of course, the consolidation of the area itself, which gained relevance and recognition over the years, within WTM Latin America. Finally, and almost as a natural consequence of the first two, the importance of the area, the valorization of the brands and the business generated over the years has brought with it a growth that has allowed the operators to expand their presence at the fair, beyond the area, to their own stands. “This is very significant for us,” says Bianca Pizzolito, Event Leader of WTM Latin America. 

For participants, accreditation is available  at this link .

Source: WTM Latin America.

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