Royal Caribbean and Organfur present "The Royal Era" in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The shipping company highlights its development and announces new features for the Latin American market

(Source: Travel2latam)

On March 12, Royal Caribbean, in collaboration with its strategic partner Organfur, held "The Royal Era" event at Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt Buenos Aires . The presentation featured Lucas Bueno, Senior Sales Manager of Royal Caribbean, and Joaquín Salgueiro, Vice President of Organfur, who shared the company's latest news and advancements in the cruise industry.

During the event, Royal Caribbean's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction was emphasized, highlighting that the company is at its best in the world. Among the key innovations presented were the launch of new ships such as the Icon of the Seas, which began operations in January 2024, the Star of the Seas scheduled for August 2025, and the Legend of the Seas planned for 2026.

Additionally, plans were announced to open Beach Clubs in Cozumel, Mexico, this year and next, expanding the exclusive destination options for passengers. Another notable news was the extension of the "Visa-Free Caribbean" season from Panama and Cartagena, which will operate from October 2025 to April 2027. This initiative will allow Latin American passengers to enjoy itineraries to Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao without the need for a U.S. visa, aboard the ships Serenade of the Seas and Jewel of the Seas.

On the other hand, the event highlighted the strong relationship of more than 40 years between Organfur and Royal Caribbean in Argentina, underscoring both companies' commitment to offering high-quality experiences to travelers. Travel agents and media outlets were also thanked for their continued support and promotion of the brand in the local market.

With these initiatives, Royal Caribbean reaffirms its leadership in the cruise industry, offering innovations and services tailored to the needs of the Latin American market.

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