Unedestinos (National Union of OVC and Destination Entities) officially launched the Observatório Destino Brasil, a strategic collaborative platform for event prospecting developed by the IBICT (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) team. The handover took place last Wednesday, the 12th, and was attended by representatives from the Institute and the Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs) from various destinations.
The platform goes beyond a database; it offers event-gathering professionals a dynamic tool that allows them to work with strategic information to strengthen relationships with decision-makers at the regional, national, and international levels. Furthermore, the tool will help manage seasonality, optimizing the attraction of events to partner destinations.
"This is a significant milestone for Unedestinos, as we embrace a collaborative platform as a strategic tool for event planning. Thanks to the working group involved in this project from the beginning and to everyone who worked to make it a reality," emphasizes Toni Sando, president of Unedestinos.
The project, which involves CVBs from Brasília, Salvador, Joinville, Foz do Iguaçu, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Porto Alegre, was presented firsthand to the entity's associated CVBs during UneCongresso, held in June of last year in São Paulo. Now, the platform is ready to be updated, and with the collaboration of Joelma Aguiar, Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Visit São Paulo Convention Bureau, the platform's observatory will involve the collaboration of all stakeholders. "The idea is to involve CVBs in the food sector on a platform with data and events from associated destinations, strengthening the information network and promoting integration between destinations," adds Toni.