Quito, an exceptional destination to experience Holy Week

The Ecuadorian capital is preparing to commemorate Holy Week 2025, which this year will be from April 13 to 20, with a series of liturgical and cultural events that reflect the richness of its traditions and its historical relationship with faith

(Source: Quito Turismo)

The city, in collaboration with the Catholic Church and with the support of the Municipality of Quito, organizes and supports various activities with the aim of promoting religious tourism and generating benefits for the productive and economic sectors. In 2024, the Easter holiday attracted 84,000 non-resident visitors and boosted the economy with $7.6 million in sales, figures that are expected to match or exceed this year.

The celebrations include iconic events in the Historic Center, such as Palm Sunday, the traditional Arrastre de Caudas (Dragging of the Caudas), unique in the world, and the Procession of Jesús del Gran Poder (Jesus of the Great Power), which brings together thousands of faithful on a tour through the beautiful historic center of the capital. The program also extends to rural parishes with processions and activities along the Hidden Route, in Alangasí, La Merced, and the south of the city, where centuries-old traditions are preserved.

Main events:

Palm Sunday (April 13)

The celebration begins with the Palm Sunday Procession, departing from the Basilica of the National Vow to San Francisco Plaza, where the Blessing of the Palms and Outdoor Mass will take place. This event symbolizes Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and brings together thousands of believers in an act of faith and tradition.

Caudas Drag (April 16)

Unique in the world, this rite of Roman origin is performed in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Quito. A black cloak is draped over the faithful to convey the strength and courage of Christ, a ceremony with more than 500 years of history that is only preserved in the Ecuadorian capital.

Procession of Jesus of the Great Power (April 18)

With more than 150,000 participants, this is a multitudinous procession that takes place in the city. It departs from the Church of San Francisco, in a journey of faith in which thousands of cucuruchos, verónicas, blessed souls, incense burners, and other figures accompany the image of Jesus of Great Power in one of the most impressive religious and faith-based manifestations in Latin America.

Activities in the rural areas and the south of the city

In addition to the events in the Historic Center, Holy Week in Quito extends to its rural parishes. Highlights include:

Procession of the Andas in Puéllaro (April 15)
Procession of the Devils in La Merced (April 18)
Procession of Jesus of the Great Power in the South of Quito (April 18), a 7-kilometer route through 19 neighborhoods of the city.
Palm Sunday Cantata in the South Tribune (April 18)
Blessing of the Fire in Alangasí (April 19)

During Holy Week, the city organizes a calendar of religious events that strengthen tourism and cultural development. Highlights include:

23rd International Festival of Sacred Music (April 19-27), with performances in churches and heritage sites.
"Fanesca Quiteña: Tradition that Unites" competition, in collaboration with Quito Tourism and UTE University, will award prizes to the best exponents of this iconic Ecuadorian dish.
Floral decoration of stone crosses in churches in the Historic Center (April 18).

For the full schedule of events, you can visit the official platforms of Visit Quito, Quito Cultura, and the Sucre National Theater Foundation.

Holy Week in Quito is a unique opportunity to experience faith, art, and history in a city that keeps tradition alive.

Source: Quito Tourism.

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